I had nothing to offer anybody except my own confusion. ~Jack Kerouac

by khristin ann Thursday, April 29, 2004 at 1:48 PM
ok the thing that really irks me is that john knows marlena is the killer but he has been denying it for like three weeks. i dont care that he loves 'doc', but out of the concern for his own life, and everyone else in salem, why doesnt he convict her? why? he keeps telling everyone shes not the killer but he saw her in the graveyard after doug was killed, and she tried to kill him on the balcony. why does he have to be so stupid?
my goal of the summer is to pick one major and stick with it. i dont know how well that is going to work, but we all have to have goals, right? i am really excited for summer though because we are moving and stuff. and we get to decorate that place like crazy. even though it will look tacky cuz none of our furnature matches or even comes close. it is very eccelctic in a tacky way. i dont like deoderant when it has a reallly strong scent because i dont like knowing that something that smells that good is coming from my armpits. it just doesnt seem right. i dont get why in america we dont use the metric system. well all scientists do. but why dont us normal people? conversions are so much easier like there are 1000 milliliters in one liter and 1000 milligrams in one gram instead of having to know that there are 12 inches in a foot and 3 feet in a yard and 5128 feet in a mile. i just dont get it. like if we started now teaching it to kids in elementary schools as the standard way of measuring, eventually it will become what we know to measure. and it would be quite a bit easier.
sometimes when i am driving down the highway with my windows down, i start to think like leah - well gas is 1.82 a gallon and i am wasting gas by having the windows down.....but then i think, well what is better than going 75 miles an hour, with the windows down, listening to pat benetar? nothing compares to that. things come close, but you just cant beat that. love really is a battefield, you know. so no matter what leah says about rolling down windows or using the ac, i am going to do it anyways.
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