Ive been watching too much tv lately. I think my brain is rotting. My math textbook is all words. It's like reading a novel. Except it's really not that exciting. Really really not exciting. One of the books that I am reading for my Women and Madness class is actually pretty interesting. My arm is one giant rash today, it started this morning and it is only getting worse. I think I have the black lung.
I am waiting for Jenny to come home from work, cuz we are going to Walmart. She needs contact solution, and I NEED ice cream. I am listening to Sophie B Hawkins. I am going to take my little brother to Platteville. For a weekend of FUN. He better be ready. I am trying so hard to read my math book, but it is more like torture than actual reading. Me and Carrie just got done doing Richard Simmons. Actually, more like I just got done doing Richard, and Carrie just watched. Ok, thats dirty. I am seriously one giant rash. It started today on my hands in math, and I thought it was just a rash stemming from my immense boredom. But now it is all over my arm. And creeping to my other arm. Where is Jenny? I just want my ice cream.
I really don't work again till Friday. There is a lot that I need to get done though. I gotta drop off my application at school. And I gotta apply to the bank. Tomorrow, post class, I am doing THE most exciting thing - LAUNDRY!! So, around 330ish, you can find me at the slosh n wash, reading my math book.
Today I decided that since I don't work, ever, that from now on I am going to have to put everything on my credit cards. And I have no money to pay them back. How long before I take out another loan?
I went to Kinko's today, which is now Fed Ex, and I am totally disapointed. I tried to print up my sister's cat picture for her, and the quality came out horrible. And I couldn't align it in anyway that it wasn't chopping part of the picture out. Total suck. What is a girl to do? I mopped the floor today, and I really don't like the way the floor cleaner smells. It has this essence of vomit. It's like baby puke mixed with lemons. No likey. You won't see me breathing around this house again. My goal in life is to be on a TLC show. Preferably 'While You Were Out', but I would even take 'What not to Wear' or 'Trading Spaces" or 'Clean Sweep', basically any show that I have spent the last two weeks watching. Oh, and I have to admit, I have fallen in love with the fab 5. I love "Queer Eye" now. It is absolutely hilarious. I want a bunch of gay men running around my house.
Well, I better conclude this super long blog. I am going to wait for my princess to come, and take me away to Walmart. Until then, I am going to be entertained by a math book. Aye carumba, me bladdero explodeo. Hasta luego.
I had nothing to offer anybody except my own confusion. ~Jack Kerouac

by khristin ann Tuesday, February 08, 2005 at 11:54 PM
"I like the smell of wood"
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