I had nothing to offer anybody except my own confusion. ~Jack Kerouac

by khristin ann Thursday, August 19, 2004 at 2:21 AM
ink. its our middle name.
And now guess what I am going to do - go to bed. Why, you might ask. Well, because tomarrow (or today, however you look at it), I am going to a Doors concert with my whole entire family. Its not really "the Doors", as Jim Morrison is dead. But it is two of the doors members, a different drummer (I guess the drummer didnt like the idea of resurrecting the Doors), and the lead singer from the Cult (I believe, I may be wrong since I am not obsessed over the Doors and I cant really remember what my sister told me one of the 12 times I asked). So it will be an eventful day. If I lived in a nutshell, I could sum up my life for you like this.
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