I had nothing to offer anybody except my own confusion. ~Jack Kerouac

by khristin ann Tuesday, May 04, 2004 at 11:21 PM
yes i am avoiding my 10 page paper which is like around 7 pages done. so i am getting somewhere. i just dont have the patience to want to do it. is it crazy that i compulsivly brush my teeth? i was thinking about this before. why am i so abnormal that i brush my teeth all the time? ive already brushed them 3 times today and i will again before i go to bed. why? it is just one of those questions that i will never know the answer too. but i aspire too. maybe i have a surpressed fear of gingivitis.
i am listening to my super cool savage garden cd. rock on. nothing better to listen too while pretending to write a paper. i bought some icecream at copps tonight and i swear it had pecans in it on the box, but i got home and there werent any. i think i might have grabbed the one next to the one i was reading. or i am loosing my mind. either way, i did not have pecans in my icecream. i know that was a good story. NOT.
at camp once, this girl wanted to see who was singing in the shower so she stood on the sink. and then it broke. it flooded the bathroom. her name was belinda.
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