I had nothing to offer anybody except my own confusion. ~Jack Kerouac

by khristin ann Saturday, August 28, 2004 at 10:22 AM
Have you ever....
played ping pong? yes
gotten wrapped in tinfoil and jumped through the fountain in city park? why yes I have
ridden in a hot air balloon? no but I have always wanted too
eaten peanut butter? yes
reinacted communion after watching the church channel? yup
recentely bought new shoes? I love my new shoes
gone to school naked? no
known ANYONE named Kent? nope. but I dream about him supposidly.
gotten hit by a car? yes, the day I learned how to ride a bike, my neighbor backed into me. Then he felt bad and gave me soda and candy.
boughten Jim a neopet? yes.
puked after eating at Outback? yes. That is why I only eat breaded shrimp, not unbreaded shrimp.
Known someone who has gotten their hand bit by a camel? yes. she had to go to the hospital.
Eaten macaroni and cheese for breakfast? once, when I was little, and we bet my mom we could eat macaroni for all three meals that day.
Seen the Red Hot Chili Peppers live? twice.
taken a shower? Frequently.
Been attacked by a urinal mint aka salty pee cracker? unfortunaly.
boughten a cheesy romance novel from the dollar tree? yes. It is great for reading aloud. There is almost a rape scene, but dont worry because someone saves her just in time.
been arrested? not yet.
gotten locked out of your house on the way to the mailbox in the middle of the night? yes.
fallen over while walking? Yes, I did last night and fell flat on my stomach
played MASH? In the tent last time we went camping.
gotten attacked by an orangutang? nope.
Met Elvis? nope.
been in a pie eating contest? certainly not.
worn hot pink shoes in public? yes, I did one day at East.
Seen the movie Sasquatch? unfortunaly so.
been president of the United States? not yet. And I dont aspire to.
cracked an egg with one hand? no but Jenny can. thats why I am friends with her.
Seen the Platteville M on fire? no, but I really want to.
Eaten frog? never
cornish hens? no, but I have a recipe.
Tried to tell a story about something that happened, and then realized that it didnt happen to you, but to someone on Full House? yes, and its kinda creepy.
learned how to make stained glass windows? no but I have always wanted to.
Slept in a closet? yes, once in Chicago I did.
Kill anyone? no. and as of right now, I dont intend to. So dont piss me off or I might change my mind. If I ever did kill someone, you could use that sentance against me as premeditated murder.
Seen Jaws? nope. my childhood was Jaws free.
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