"I have to check this man's vitals"
"please pass grandma"
"60% soy"
We went to taco bell the other day, and there were like 3 or 4 boys in the field between Taco Bell and Express. They were using wooden boards and other blunt objects to beat mice that lived in the field. Everytime they killed one, they would pick it up by its tail and throw it on the pile. I am only sharing this story because it is rather disturbing.
I couldnt sleep last night because I thought I was going to vomit, so I was looking on ebay. I found the coolest old pin. Super tacky. And I bid on it at 330 am. There were only a couple hours left and, to my surprise, someone outbid me in that time. I am so mad right now.
I just bought a bathrobe at Lands End. It is blue and it is monogrammed to say 'Kitty". I am in love with it. Carrie said I can wear high heels with jeans.
My number one choice from my personality test said I should go to college to become a museum curator. I really dont care what I am going to major in anymore, but I just want to be able to wear dress up clothes all the time. Not safari clothes. No tacky khaki for this girl. I got my stitches out today. My finger is still fatter than normal and kinda scabby, but its all good. I still cant really bend my knuckle though.

Just another manic Sunday. Night.