Carrie is my hero. She cleaned my room. And organized my books from the library into two piles, one for learning and one for enjoyment. How she knows which is which, I am not sure. Although she did know that my book about the amish was for pleasure. I had a horrible day at work. Wanna hear about it? probably not. Let's just say that I am not looking forward to tomorrow. tomorrow I am in apparel so i am not up front anyways. There is always less drama in apparel. I lost my pills, and Carrie magically found them while cleaning my room, except she didn't know she found them. Weird, I know. I was chased by a turkey once when i was little, it was at this park in Neenah. Neenah, Neenah, where the hell is Neenah? Today Carrie ripped Jim's button off of his shirt. Now I am going to bed because I am exhausted from working so early in the morning that it was still dark. two days in a row.
I had nothing to offer anybody except my own confusion. ~Jack Kerouac

by khristin ann Saturday, November 27, 2004 at 11:51 PM
girl you know its, girl you know its.....true
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