I had nothing to offer anybody except my own confusion. ~Jack Kerouac

by khristin ann Sunday, May 09, 2004 at 1:06 AM
i decided tonight that i was going to get my hair cut now. we measured my hair and there is 10 inches that i can loose and donate it. and i have to do it tomarrow otherwise i am going to change my mind and keep putting it off. im kinda scared. mostly excited. i havnt had short hair since like 4th grade. and that was a long time ago. i called tonight and they were closed but she said they are open tomarrow. so i am so going to do it.
that movie inspired me to learn japanese even more than the cd in jennys car that we listen to on the way to taco bell. where is the bank?
i am watching my albino sheep. pure entertainment.
i decided that i am going to make my friends learn how to play tennis. tennis seems like an easy sport, and its something active. and that way we are doing something. i think it sounds like a good idea. i really dont have a lot of coordination and i fall over when i walk, but i think i might be able to play tennis. carrie said i am in charge of forcing her to excersize. so i decided its tennis. except we have no raquets. or a court to play on. ahh those are just minor details.
"ill have a cream soda. old fashioned."
i had to count to 146 tonight, twice. and i kept screwing up so i did it like 12 times. it was hard work. but at the same time i was watching angels in the outfield. so that complicated my counting.
my camera is going to cost like 5 million dolllars to fix. snot cool. so i am thinking about maybe just not fixing it and getting a new camera. plus i have my digital camera. i can use it just fine, but i havent figured out how to use any of the cool effect buttons. and i really havent figured out how to use the paintshop program thing to manipulate the photos. cuz there are some pictures i took in st louis that are too dark and would look better if i could figure out how to lighten them up.
i used my credit card for $1.35 tonight. isnt that sad? its like the world is coming to an end because i didnt have the cash to buy a bottle of water and starburst at copps. but the funny thing is, we got to the movie, and between me and jenny we were a dollar short on cash. and i found 50 cents in my purse and a fifty cent piece but we figured we couldnt use that so we went out to her car to find 50 more cents. but it was funny because we went to the cheap theater and couldnt even afford it. ha.
i am listening to old school matchbox 20 because that is what i always used to listen to in like middle school and it reminds me of that. so i downloaded like that whole cd. i downloaded a bunch of jewel too, because we always used to listen to that cd. yes i illegally download music. sorry. its an addiction i cant help. at least i dont rob banks. or write down that i am going to rob a bank and then go do it. because that would be evidence against myself.
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