Juliane, and me with my baby cat...at our 4th of July bbq
I think I am getting sick again. NOT COOL. My throat hurts so bad and so do my ears. And my jaw. Today I found all my journals from elementary school. In 1991 I almost killed my little brother rollerskating.
So far, we have 3 rules in our apartment...
1. Carrie is allowed to vaccumm any room she wants, at anytime she wants
2. My bed is available to anyone, but it is BYOS-bring your own sheets
3. No walking around naked- own a bathrobe
Tomarrow I am getting my car fixed so I can stop harrassing my friends to bring me to work. And I am going to Jennys grandmas so I can have a cookie. And I am going to work on packing. Packing is so much easier when you have Jenny doing all the work. I am seriously almost all packed to move. Today I realized I really need to find this piece of paper because I need to bring it to my doctor, but I already packed it. So I am going to have to find it. Every time I do a virus scan I find at least 3 unwanted files. ANd I do a scan every other day. Why? What is wrong with my computer? My computer is my baby, well first is my car, then my computer. But I am mad at my car, cuz it is going to cost quite a fourtune to fix it. Ok, around $100. but that is a lot to a girl who is moving and just bought a down comforter. I am in love with my comforter. Hasta Luego. BYE-Q