I do work out videos just for the motivational things they say. You think I would be good at yoga, being all double jointed. But really, I'm not, because I lack the skill of balance. I fell over twice, and I decided I had had enough. So I am going to bed, because I have 2 tests tomorrow.
My snail is in a coma. I am a little worried, I really think he might be dead. Is there a such thing as chocolate chip cake? Can you do that? I was going to bake a cake tonight and I forgot and now it is too late. You know you are getting old when 1130 is too late to bake a cake. Is it ever too late for cake? It's too late to do Richard Simmons because Carrie is sleeping. I am wearing two different tye died shirts right now. It's tye die overload.
Today when I was walking home from the library I realized that I'm really glad I changed my major. Sociology has too much math and too many facts. I don't do good memorizing facts, I am more of an abstract thinker. I have to apply myself too much to handle math and science. I think school will start being a little easier, or at least less confusing, next semester. Maybe.
I had nothing to offer anybody except my own confusion. ~Jack Kerouac

by khristin ann Tuesday, February 22, 2005 at 11:32 PM
Build your house on a rock, people
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