I went for a walk last night around the big city of Oshvegas. I was gone an hour and a half. I found many things I never knew existed. There was a bowling alley. There was a Piggly Wiggly. It's kinda sad when you come across something as large as a grocery store that you never knew existed. That's when I started to panic because I thought maybe I was lost. So I walked real fast and I sang as long as I could in my head. Have you ever tried that? It's really kinda funny. You have to pick the right song though. Because I am among the minority in this world that does not own an mp3 player, I must entertain myself by singing in my head. It's true. The wife and I made smores the other night and they were so very tasty.
If I had your phone number at some point in my life, I no longer do. You can give me your number again or just be satisfied in knowing I will never call you ever again. The only numbers I know are the three I have memorized, which does not include my dad's. Everytime he calls me (I haven't saved any numbers because I still have the loaner phone) I answer with the "I don't know you hello" and he's always like, "uhhhhhh, Kristin, it's just me" because I do that every time. And my dad calls me a lot. I call my dad all the time to ask him all those stupid questions in life that sometimes make me feel like Paris Hilton when I ask them out loud. For example, I went to the gas station yesterday. After I finished filling my tank, I realized I could find my key. I looked all over before I realized I left it in the ignition. Not only did I leave it in the ignition, I left the car running. So, I called my dad just to make sure that even though it was after the fact, my car wouldn't blow up as I was driving away. As I was saying it, I realized how much of an idiot I sounded like. But my dad still answers everytime I call. That's love.
I work a 10 hour shift today and I am not looking forward to it. My right ankle keeps giving out again and my toes are bruised. It's weird. If anyone ever wants to play tennis, I'm game. I own 3 tennis skirts.
I had nothing to offer anybody except my own confusion. ~Jack Kerouac

by khristin ann Saturday, May 20, 2006 at 10:44 AM
under the red hot moon
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