We have neighbors; they have kids. I'm writing a paper that was due yesterday. Ask me what time I went to bed Sunday night. Oh, Let's see, not until about 1130 on MONDAY night. That's right. Too much goddamn homework. And then there's the whole working full time thing added in there. I'm supposed to finish this paper so the woman and I can watch a movie, but I am (sort of) stalling because I am so sick of being intellectual. You wouldn't even know. There's a new bead store in Oshkosh that Jenny discovered today, so of course I had to stop there post-work. For some reason, I actually had some money left from this last paycheck I got. Well, not anymore. But I got some sweetass beads. I am so excited, allthough with the way things are going, it will be the end of the semester before I even get around to touching my beads again. I am so sick of school. Sweet Jesus. I got lost today in Oshkosh. It's kinda embarrassing, since I've lived here for 2 years and it aint that big of a city. But I totally got lost. Let's just say it took me about 20 minutes to figure out where I was. My change jar is full. I'm saving up to buy a boat.
In two weekends I have a weekend off! I have no idea what I am going to do yet; probably just homework, make some jewelry, and go out drinking - what's new? I want to go to the beach. I just put on lotion and then stuck my finger in my eye. Bad idea. I had to unscrew a sensor tag remover at work today and switch it out with a different one. I screwed under the counter. Imagine how many inappropriate jokes took off from there. I've been bad lately with my immatureness at work. There are so many dirty things that can be said inside a sporting goods store. Trust me, you don't even know.