I have had a strangely entertaining weekend. I have a few souveniors, including a large, unexplained bruise on my thigh and a NASA shot glass. If my mom ever tries to tell you anything about me, just completely block it out. I had to spend the afternoon at my grandparent's correcting everything my mom had previously said about me before I got there. No, I don't get a parking space for employee of the month. No, I did not loose the most weight this month at Curves. No, I did not eat lunch at the 'Golden Bucket'. If my mom says it, I probably have not done it. My check from Studio 213 for Feb was bigger than I thought it was going to be, which is a pleasent surprise. She said our jewelry was selling even more this month, which is another good thing. I wish it were summer. This whole spring break thing is making me yearn for another week free of class and literary theory. Tomorrow we are reviewing Derrida, Iser, and Rabinowitz. Let me tell you, I am not excited. Usually around the third time we review a certain article is when it first starts making sense to me. Every day when class starts there is this constant feeling of being in over my head and unable to ever sort out this literary bullshit in my head. Which brings me back to the idea of a spring break extension. I could enjoy another week of sleep, Sex and the City, making jewelery, and drinking. Even though I did not leave the Oshkosh/Appleton area (for exciting places such as Hawaii, Florida, Cancun, or Alabama) it was a pretty eventful week. I have decided that it is best that I do not stomach mass quantities of hard liquor for awhile. And after two days of binge eating I can guarantee that tomorrow I probably won't even be hungry. It all started with the stolen burrito.