Using an idea from Jenny, I created a soundtrack of what my life movie would be. There is a lot less early 90's pop songs than expected. I even had to take out Savage Garden at the last minute. Heres what it is:
1. Sublime: Poolshark
2. The Doors: Moonlight Drive
3. Dido: Im no Angel
4. Dog's Eye View: Umbrella
5. Garbage: #1 Crush
6. Incubus: Certain Shade of Green
7. Orgy: Fiction-Dreaming in Digital
8. Pink Floyd: Comfortably Numb
9. Elton John: Tiny Dancer
10. Tool: Sober
11. Salt n Pepa: Heaven or Hell
12. Muffs: Kids in America
13. Puff Daddy: Cant nobody Hold me Down
14. Dope: Nothing
15. Silverchair: Do You Feel the Same
16. Seven Mary Three: Anything
17. Sublime: Saw Red (acoustic)
18. The Used: Taste of Ink
19. Eve 6: Superhero Girl
I had nothing to offer anybody except my own confusion. ~Jack Kerouac

by khristin ann Tuesday, June 08, 2004 at 12:23 PM
the soundtrack of my life
you should put somethin off stankonia on your soundtrack.
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