I am drinking flat sprite. I have been working on my scrapbook all day. You should see my room. Its worse than the other day when there was 4 of us. i stuck my leg in my inkpad before on accident. My arm was covered in ink too because i kept reaching over it. So then I took a shower and now i am trying to be very careful. I am trying. Its a good thing that all my friends are insane so that i have some pretty strange pictures to use. Flat sprite just tastes like warm water. Its kinda odd.
Some day we are going to take a 24 hour tour of appleton. We are going to leave in the middle of the night and find as many places that are open 24 hours. kinkos is a good starting place. There is nothing better than being in kinkos in the middle of the night. this either explains that appleton is real boring, or my life is real boring. Either way, its gonna be a good time.
I am listening to Pat Benetar. You better believe me because i really am. I just spilled my sprite on my pants and i am all wet.
I had nothing to offer anybody except my own confusion. ~Jack Kerouac

by khristin ann Wednesday, June 02, 2004 at 2:41 PM
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