I had nothing to offer anybody except my own confusion. ~Jack Kerouac

by khristin ann Friday, May 28, 2004 at 8:35 PM
Reading this book, it has made me realize that we take our education for granted. like the fact that I am really lucky to be able to attend college when in most other countries the literacy rate is around 50%. It makes you want to do something about it, but what can you really do? Like here we are, we were given the oppertunity to read, write, and think in a complex manner. We should be sharing this with the rest of the world instead of using this knowledge to drain money from everyone and everything. One of the reason that China, amoung other countries, cannot get a revolution with a new form of government is because the current government does not eduacate the people. And without this knowledge, they do not know taht life can be better and they can change their country. I just read a book about modern day slavery (Disposable People) and these two books have really made me realize that if you look at the whole world, life really sucks. We have it real good and we dont even realize everything we have.
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