this is what i do with my life-i get done with work at 430, and wait for carrie to get done at 7 so we can go on a date. ok thats what i have done the last couple days. jims having man time so he doesnt come on our dates. but he will be home soon. and then....i came here so my dad could put my new wiper blades on my car and i could use the internet. exciting. the coolest thing that has happened in my life recently is that my mom sent me a letter. oh and our living room gets vaccumed a lot. we figured out how to work the iron at about 1 in the am. im so sick of working all the time. carrie says i have scabies, but my mom says i dont. our modem is coming MONDAY. i am excited a whole bunch. ive read too many books and laid on the couch and stared at the wall for too long in the last couple weeks and the internet is going to change my life. i cant find family video by myself so i couldnt return the movie we rented. i cant really find anything in oshkosh, good thing i live there. carrie did my hair pretty much everyday this week so that i look hot. and that is why she is my lover. oh and cuz she cooks. and jenny would be my other lover because she is a sexy beast. the lump in my neck is slightly smaller, i dont think it is quite a golf ball anymore. me and juliane are going to the place that is going to be the death of me - hobby lobby.
I had nothing to offer anybody except my own confusion. ~Jack Kerouac

by khristin ann Saturday, August 07, 2004 at 6:03 PM
christmas reef
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