Today, two of the greatest things happened. First, me and Carrie came home from working out, and Meghan was standing on her porch. There was a possum in her garbage can. It was sleeping. The landlord came over, and said possums are harmless. He shook the garbage can, and the possum gave us an evil look and hissed. Then the landlord took the garbage can to the backyard, and swung the possum out of it. The possum stood in the back yard and glared at us for awhile.
Then, we were standing in the kitchen explaining the possum to Jenny, when the paper towel holder started dispensing ALL the paper towel on the roll. Jenny rolled it back up, but its all crooked. It was great. What a day.
I had nothing to offer anybody except my own confusion. ~Jack Kerouac

by khristin ann Friday, March 04, 2005 at 3:21 PM
soak it in milk
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