In this picture, I am the statue of liberty. Instead of a torch, I have a sparkler. Instead of a book, I have a can of beer.
I figured instead of boring you with what I have done today (absolutely nothing), I would give you some totally random facts about my life. You might already know this, you might not care, you might think I am insane. Oh well. Enjoy.
1. I don't like to wear socks.
2. My favorite soda is diet Sprite. I also like cream soda, but because of it's darker color, it does not always get along with my stomach. That is why I usually stick with my diet Sprite.
3. When I get scared or nervous I chew on my fingers and my hands. I don't know why I do this. It usually leaves red marks, I have only drawn blood from it once or twice. So I consider it a safe habit. Safe, yet weird.
4. Some day I am going to master the art of eating with chopsticks.
5. I enjoy a wide variety of music, mostly because I like songs based on the way the lyrics are written. Sublime, for example, I love everything about it-- the truth in the lyrics, the total randomness, the fact that Bradley Nowell can rhyme just about everything. Red Hot Chili Peppers and Silverchair also rank among my favorite bands, also because I love the meaning of most of the songs.
6. I don't like the noise that kitchen drawers make when they open and close. It just really irritates me.
7. I have never had banana cream pie.
8. I have acquired a taste for beer. I never really liked beer until last summer. And now I do. A lot. I don't know why.
9. When a shower curtain is closed, I have to check behind it before I pee. It is a habit I have had since I was little. I was afraid of somebody hiding in the shower. I'm not real sure why.
10. I have a fear of commitment. I don't like the way I am when I am in a relationship; I become too passive and for that reason, I take a lot of shit that I shouldn't. I always feel underappreciated. I can't help it. It's not that I need to be the center of attention, but I feel like I am 'the girlfriend' and I am around just to fufill that role. That's why I don't date anymore.
11. My feet have gotten bigger. I now wear an 11 1/2 in women's.
12. I compulsively buy underwear.
13. All the pets I have ever had have been either amphibians or reptiles. I have never had a pet that did not need to be in a tank of water.
14. I am real excited for my creative writing class.
15. I am very impatient, I hate waiting for things.
16. My favorite letter is "C". There are so many exciting C words - cooties, cleavage, cooter, calamity (first time I ever actually wrote the word 'calamity' was the other day. I wrote it on a napkin with a green marker), castration, cookie....
17. Today when I went to the bank, I was driving along and blasting Tool so loud in my car that all of Oshkosh probably heard it. There was a guy getting out of his car at the bank who checked me out. It always feels good to be checked out by strangers.
18. I like to learn about everything. I watch documentaries all the time. I have no idea what I am going to do with my life post-college. But I enjoy learning everything that I have. It is so interesting.
19. I have the same birthday as Al Gore.
20. When I was younger, I would try to practice saying the alphabet backwards. On TV, cops ask their victims to recite the alphabet backwards all the time. I wanted to be prepared incase it happened to me. I thought it was something everyone needed to be able to do.
21. Bright red is my least favorite color.
22. I like to watch the stand up comedians on Comedy Central. Some of them are so hilarious, "Are you sitting in a bean bag chair, naked, eating cheetos?"
23. I brush my teeth A LOT. I can't help it.
24. Today I made a group on the Facebook for Days. Right now I am the only member, but it makes my life feel more complete because I am in a group for Days. (If you would like to facebook me, I put the link in 3 different places on the side, just so you can't miss it.)
25. I tend to insult people's moms frequently. Your mom goes to college.
26. I have a great respect for people who can take good black and white pictures. Working in a photo lab, I have seen a lot of people who just put a b&w roll in their camera and take pictures. It is not that easy. You have to pay attention to light when you are dealing with black and white. When I see good ones, it makes me happy.
27. I can only count to 6 in Spanish.
28. Today I wrote Jenny a check. I spelled my name "Ktris". I don't know why.