Here is a brief update of my life - Today I went shopping (which is bad) but afterwards I handed ALL my credit cards over to Carrie (which is good), who had Jim hide them in her room. I feel a little bit safer about my finances. Jenny bought a present for Phil from Costa Rica. My stereo is STILL broken in my car, which means I am STILL listening to 40 oz to Freedom. Our basement is moldy, there is a secret room in our house (complete with curtains), our fridge leaks water, the built in clock is missing, and my bedroom could pass for a sauna. I am about this close (I am making the hand gestures right now) to losing my job at Dick's. It is a serious problem. Good thing I have another job, it is like my safety net incase Dick's terminates my employment (that sounds a little nicer than being fired, right?). I am not sure if I am ever going to get unpacked. Tomorrow is Sheila's bday and we are going out to celebrate. I am really excited. Carrie helped me clean out my dresser and closet, I feel like I got rid of more clothes than I kept. I am downsizing. Pretty soon I am going to become a nudist.