Today I worked from 1:45 to 11. Let me tell you about that. I had to get carts from the parking lot 3 different times, that is not an easy job. Our parking lot is so horrible that the carts roll in every direction. It is amazing how many carts end up in the parking lot. Really amazing. From now on I only want to push one cart at a time, not ten. My back hurts real bad and I really think I might feel better if I would just throw up. I am so tired that I am wide awake. And I work both jobs tomorrow. Some days I just love being me.
I had to go to walmart after work because I realized I forgot to buy the things I needed while I was working at Target. I felt real weird, I guess I still feel strange walking around somewhere by myself, especially late at night. I feel real vulnerable and real alone. I can't help it though. Once something bad happens to you, I guess you expect it to keep happening. I never want to be in a situation like that ever again. Anyways, the reason I brought up Walmart is because I saw the funniest thing I have ever seen in my life on my way there. There was a lady in a wheelchair and a man crossing the street. Except the lady was carrying the man on the back of the wheelchair as she was steering the wheelchair around. It would have been just as fast for the man to walk, but I guess he wanted a ride. Please, take me for a ride.....on your wheelchair.
I am jealous of Jenny's plant for it's springing action. It looks dead, but all she has to do is water it. And the next day it has sprung back to life. If only my venus flytrap could do that. Nobody has found the frog yet.
I had nothing to offer anybody except my own confusion. ~Jack Kerouac

by khristin ann Friday, July 15, 2005 at 1:34 AM
I lost my hearing aid at Outback
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