The water heater guy is coming tomorrow. Carrie said he sounded hot on the phone, and she gave him my number. It comes with no surprise that Carrie and Jim attempt to set me up with every guy they know, whether or not they have talked to them within the last 5 years. Tonight Carrie serenaded me (and the whole neighborhood) with The Little Mermaid....."something something something FEET". I cut my hair tonight, mostly because I was bored. I guess Jerry came over to take away half of our trash in his pickup. What is left out there is mostly boxes and really heavy bags. Somehow a 10 speed bike that is missing a tire ended up on our lawn with the rest of our trash. How that happened we don't know. I guess my sister called me last night and carried on a conversation with me. I don't remember it at all, but I guess it was not as bad as the time I yelled "KENT" in the middle of the night (I still don't know anyone named Kent). All I wanted today was a candy bar.