Sunday night, when leaving Peabodys, I kicked something (I believe it was an instrument case, but I'm not sure) when walking out the door. I have a fat and bloody baby toe.

I'm glad it is not as hot in the orphanage today as it has been. I turned the fan on low last night because the constant whizzing of it has begun to irritate me. I cannot wait to move out of this shithole. I finally got the internet working (again) this morning. I have two days left of my ten day working streak, then I have two days off. Thursday and Friday are going to be glorious.
Sheila chose to sleep on the futon the other night after we got back from jazz, which might have been a bad decision on her part. The futon is at the foot of our beds. I was wearing a skirt and I like to take up my whole queen size bed (and even some of Jenny's bed). Free show.
Art in the Park is two weeks away. I'm not real sure how we are going to set up the displays, what we are going to use for tables, just basically how we are going to do anything. Plus there is a shit ton of stuff I was planning on making before hand. Time is not on my side.
I keep being disconnected and reconnected to the internet. That's not cool. My mom and dad's house is currently mouse free. All 50-some traps are removed (besides the ones in the garage) and all the furniture is put back in place. I have not taken my contacts out in days. Probably all week.
We missed the last two weeks of garbage. We have a lot of trash in our driveway/backyard gravel area. I hope I don't forget again this Thirsty Thursday. I don't think the downstairs girls have been taking their trash out either though because there is a lot of garbage back there.
I don't have enough quarters.