I just took a nap, because I have nothing better to do. I had to go to the doctor today in Neenah. The lady at my doctor's office said it was in Theda Clark. It totally wasn't. It is a 'branch' of Theda Clark, only meaning that I had to make my check out to Theda Clark. But it was in the basement of this little building in the middle of Neenah that didn't have a sign on the front.So I was a little confused. And I had to wear shorts.
I mailed my sister a Christmas card, so she said she would hang her mailbox so she could get it. But I guess she didn't because I got the card back saying that the address was not a REAL address. So I guess you do need a mailbox to get mail. I thought maybe they would just stick it under her front door. But I realized that I don't think she even has an address written on her door. I think she just made her address up.
I can't stop eating today. I am so hungry. I am just about ready to saw off my leg and nibble on it. Just kidding. But I was very dissapointed when I looked in the cupboard and thought we had chicken noodle soup in a package, but then I realized it was broccoli cheese and that kind in the package makes me want to vomit.
I had nothing to offer anybody except my own confusion. ~Jack Kerouac

by khristin ann Monday, December 27, 2004 at 2:11 PM
you get the mail, maybe you'll feel better
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