My fish and my frog don't get along. It's really funny to watch, because they have established boundries in the tank and they attack each other. The fish kept crossing the imaginary line to get food. But he would get almost close to it, and back away. Some day I am going to come home and one of them is going to be all bloody and dead.
At some point in my life I am going to put ashes in my tea ball and shake it at people. I got home last night, and I couldn't remember if I locked the back door or not. So I locked all of my bedroom doors, because I thought it was just as logical.
I skipped class today for some very logical reasons:
1. I hate public speaking.
2. It is a really cold walk to school.
3. I didn't read any of the 3 chapters we were having quizzes on, so I wouldn't have done good on them anyways.
4. I was supposed to turn in my topic for my next speech, and I don't have a topic yet.
5. I really hate public speaking.
6. Today, we were going to get a tour of the library and learn researching tips.
7. I didn't want to be all worn out from class because I have to go to physical therapy in like 5 min
8. It was much more exciting to watch my fish and my frog fight with each other, and I ate some toast.
I had nothing to offer anybody except my own confusion. ~Jack Kerouac

by khristin ann Tuesday, January 11, 2005 at 1:15 PM
We didn't start the fire.
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